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Peggy M Seegars Senior Center

Peggy M Seegars Senior Center 2024 Interest and Satisfaction Survey

Please complete this survey if you usually attend the Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center at least once a month.

How long have you been coming to the Peggy Seegars Senior Center?

About how often, in the past year, have you come to the Peggy Seegars Senior Center?

Because I go to the Senior Center, I ...
Yes Sometimes No
Do more volunteer work
Know where to ask if I need service, such as a ride to the doctor, etc.
Have more energy
Eat meals that are better for me
See friends more often/make new friends
Take better care of my health
Learn new things
Am more physically active
Have something to look forward to
Feel happier or more satisfied with my life
Feel more able to stay independent
Feel that the senior center has a positive effect on my life
Would recommend the senior center to a friend or family member

How would you rate the overall programs and services at Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center?

Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center is considering adding the following activities or programs in 2024. For each one, please check one box to indicate whether you would be interested in doing this at the center.

Very Interested Might be Interested Not Interested
Self-Defense Class
Garden Club
Creative Writing Class

Thank You!

Your Opinions Are Very Important to Us.